Thursday, July 30, 2009


KepadaMu Kekasih
Aku berserah
Kerana ku tahu Kau lebih mengerti
Apa yang terlukis di cermin wajahku ini
Apa yang tersirat di hati
Bersama amali

KepadaMu Kekasih
Aku bertanya
Apakah Kau akan menerimaku kembali
Atau harus menghitung lagi
Segala jasa dan bakti
Atau harus mencampakku ke sisi
Tanpa harga diri

Hanya padaMu Kekasih
Aku tinggalkan
Jawapan yang belum ku temukan
Yang bakal aku nantikan
Bila malam menjemputku lena beradu

KepadaMu Kekasih
Aku serahkan
Jiwa dan raga
Jua segalanya
Apakah Kau akan menerima penyerahan ini
Apakah Kau akan menerimaku
Dalam keadaan begini

Lagu ini selalu aku mainkan apabila aku merasakan sesuatu yang tidak kena pada diri ku
Lagu ini jg sentiasa membuatkan diri aku berasa amat kerdil dan jahil sekali kepada Pemilikku....Allah subhanallah Taala....

Between You and Me....

You're really started something in my heart
I keep trying to be rational
to be cool and take thing slow
But it's exciting finding someone like you
I feel so much in tune with
I don't know where all this headed
But I know I look forward to the time we spend together

And the more I with you,
The more it fells like this could be the beginning
of something wonderful.

When I am feeling sorrow and need to talk someone......
you are always there.
when I feel lonely and need to share my thoughts.....
I turn to you and you listen.
when I am feeling joy and want to celebrate.......
you are the to share it with.

Sometimes you just keep quite.....

You listen you care......
that's what good friends are all about.

I cherish our friendship.....
It is truly a treasure.
I hold your friendship lovingly within in my heart....
Thank you for being my best friend.

May Allah bless u........

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

you and me....

Location : Malim Melaka (Aunt's house)
Date : 27th July 2009
Day : Monday..
Mission : My new job as a Babysitter for my lovely little baby...Alya Sofea

Alya Sofea.

Wow!!!!!! i can't believe that i will take care of her for one day....because i'm afraid from having any risk to handle this kind of job.....hahahah...but it just a simple and easy task for me .....she is so easy to handle....
Actually the difficult part is when she get pooo.....argh.....i still can stand the smelly smell...hahahah...

i love her so much...and i'm happy because maksu n paksu can believe me to take care of their little baby.........

My lovely cousins.....4 siblings...U All always in my heart


Friday, July 24, 2009

our naughty pictures......

Every Wednesday, we are compulsory to attend our curricular activity.....rushing from APB (akademi pengajian bahasa) to Kolej Mawar and then went back to Padang terrible.....
but sometimes it is fun ...hu2..think positive....

Always remember this just same like exersice when we inhale and exhale..
say this words loudly..
"CONFIDENT IN(inhale)............EGOS OUT(exhale)"
then u will get the awesome by doing that...hahahahahhaha

Kesatria girls.......lead by commander syafiq......

This picture is the prove that we make a big mistakes....hu3...sorry for everyone..

Huh.....we still show our smile but deeply in our heart we were so afraid...hu3
avoid from having "HUKUM KARMA"

but we still enjooyyyyy .........playing at the playground.....this is for adult, not for child...kui3

sub..aten and nina....always chill..

Yeah, finally we got away from them....
sorry guys, we can't joint the event....

We happy and sad together....every difficulties that we have, we will solve it wonderpeT said ,

"aper yang penting?????????? KERJASAMA"

tHEY are alWAys my SuPer DuPer Friends....
We Are LG22o....
we really2 enjoy every single moment that we have in Shah Alam....
All the Lectures are so Great and enthusiastic...
i give them 10 thumps up!!!!!!

Align Centre

Saturday, July 18, 2009

we still here together

Since in pre-tesl, we are very close and always do a lots of things together......


They are so funny, cheerful , and care about each other.....

now, they are still my lovely classmate.....

my loneliness gone........because they are sitting beside of me....

their smile always be the the most precious things in my life....
love u all....
friendship forever.....

Jika Aku jatuh Hati.....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Final Touch...

Eh da kol baper ni ?? esok nak bgn awal....lambat bgn kene marah dgn BIG BOSS pulak...he3...paper pun td sempat la keluar jalan kejap dgn mak ayah,makan ABC (favourite time malam)..kui3..

Alhamdulillah semue nyer da selesai....inilah keje2 pengemasan yang paling slow and stady...baju dan segala keperluan telah dikemas rapi ..Hanya tinggal beberapa sisa baki sahaja yang belum disettlekan....em mcm tak percaya esok aku da memulakan kehidupan baru sebagai seorang pelajar....dan esok juga aku akan berhadapan dgn suasana, tempat, kawan2 , lectureS, rumate dan mcm2 lagi baru....
Yela da bosan cuti lame sgt, asyik duduk rumah, makan, tidur, jalan2, buang masa @ buang duit, hah aper lagi, cube ingat balik....hahahah, dasyat nyer....

Paper pun lupekan itu semue, skrg ni dah kene mulekan azam baru, niat yang baik semata2 utk menuntut ilmu kerana Allah Taala....moga2 perjalanan kehidupan baru ku ini , berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan-Nya...Amin....

Sekarang ni tinggal pengemasan final touch..kwsn ni jek yang belum dikemas lagi..hahahah...semuenyer perlu disimpan di dalam before msk kan laptop ni , singgah la sekejap kat blog ni utk wat post terakhir..yela, takut da tak ader mase nak wat lagi..Kalo ader wireless le gak singgah2 kejap.....kan3???

inilah satu2 nyer tempat yang paling byk wayar....serabut..hahahah...aku byk habiskan mase aku kat sini....tempat keramat la katekan..yeke???ok la mulekan operasi terakhir skrg........................

Eh, jgn lupe bwk barang2 ni, ianya amat penting sekali ..lagi2 hp, purse n daily notes ni....em kalo tak ader, susah la idup.....
em small teddy bear tu, my sis yang bg...entah aper mimpi die tetibe jek bg bear ni....tanda ingatan la katekan supaya kakak die ni selalu ingat kan die n mendoakan kejayaan die utk SPM tahun ni....akak tak akan lupekan irah...ingat tu!!!! tq sayang....

mybe before subuh kami da bergerak ke shah alam...awalnyer....tak perla, ayah da ckp mcm tu, kite ikut jek ckp big boss....register kat Kolej Puncak Perdana....then malamnyer da kene pindah ke induk....em, kumpulkanlah tenaga yang secukupnyer utk membwk barg2 yang berkoyan koyan ni...em cdg nyer nak bwk cikit la katekan, at last tak ader maknenyer nak bwk sikit....aper yang jadi adalah disebaliknyer...wat2 paham jek la....

ok la....last word, tetibe jek teringat pd kwn2 kat alex....terutamanya, siti aisyah, muhammad norazri dan muhammad zaihas....aper la kabar mereka kat sane la skrg pun semue nyer bz mentelaah buku yang tebal2 ..em mybe da berdebar debar sgt nak hadapi final exm sabtu ni......emm nani doakan korang semue berjaya lah...wat yang terbaik...hanye yang mampu diberi hanya doa dari seorang shabt...em kalo tak silap, mereka mesti nak dptkan MUMTAZ..insha'Allah kalo ader rezeki dimakbulkan...yang penting korang wat yang terbaik....amin.....